NewsNation is an American news network which aims at being an unbiased source for national and international news coverage and delivers that through broadcast, web and streaming options.

NewsNation’s Purpose and Mission

NewsNation aims at delivering objective and balanced news content. They present information without heavy partisan language. The news organization strives to be a reliable source that creates public awareness by showing different opinions while avoiding being sensationalized.

Multi-Platform Delivery System

With use of various delivery methods such as broadcast, cable streaming and internet presence NewsNation's goal is to make news available on any platform while staying competitive in the market. The organization seeks to make the information they report be very easily accessible with use of digital spaces.

Recent Investigative Coverage

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NewsNation's special report included claims from a U.S. Air Force veteran about his involvement in UFO retrieval programs. The show highlighted a veteran pilot who saw an egg shaped craft up close while retrieving and has claimed it to be non human. He claimed he is among other military personnel who have had similar types of experiences.

The “Hunting UFOs” Special

The program featured interviews with a few military whistleblowers while having additional footage of supposed craft retrievals to create more public conversation around the topic of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). The veterans backed up their claims. This was aired at a time where reports about unexplained drone activity also became prevalent in media.

Whistleblowers and the US Government

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NewsNation had covered David Grusch a UFO whistleblower in 2023, adding to this conversation with further claims and videos in “Hunting UFO’s”. Some say there are multiple military whistleblowers set to speak more on a black ops program running outside the purview of the government.

UAP Task Force Confirmation

The reporting has shown that the members of the UAP task force have verified for sources what they are investigating. These reports include evidence of non human intelligence operating on the earth today and are not of any government origin. The government’s responses vary.

Reporting on Conflicting Accounts

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There have been differing reports, such as Tucker Carlson’s speculation regarding China being connected to unknown drones. This came at the time he also reported a destroyed Chinese Satellite which would show there may be other players involved on a level most are not aware. These varying theories surrounding what exactly is seen makes this reporting area continue to garner a great amount of interest.

Questioning Government Control

Other information has surfaced regarding what is occurring with governments with the discussion on reverse engineered technology being collected. This also brings up the concept of a black ops program possibly occurring while the government maintains a low level of knowledge and that all is also controlled away from those who would require the information.

NewsNation's Approach to News

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With its reporting on difficult areas to cover like government and the military NewsNation shows a willingness to report the unpopular truths that other organizations may shy away from. The shows commitment is in trying to keep a fair neutral perspective while presenting to the viewer. These areas create conversations that can assist viewers with making up their own decisions.

Presenting All Sides

By including different voices on all platforms NewsNation attempts to create more well-rounded perspectives by including those that both agree and disagree with all opinions to see a full spectrum of a topic. Their process also allows a level of transparency in a modern market where some information may be overlooked in main media outlets.

Key Takeaways

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  • NewsNation focuses on a more centrist approach in their news delivery system with a focus on all views.
  • Recent reports included an investigation of US government involvement with UFOs using multiple first hand accounts.
  • Various reporting includes accounts that may be unknown and difficult to explain including government interference.
  • NewsNation uses multiple media sources such as interviews, first hand accounts and video to make each topic feel more real.
  • The content produced helps in understanding an array of current world events using many unique perspectives.