Marlon Brando. Just the name brings up images of cool charisma and incredible acting right? Everyone knows him for classics like 'The Godfather' but guess what? His highest-rated crime movie on Rotten Tomatoes isn't actually that gangster epic. Prepare for a surprise!

'On the Waterfront' Beats 'The Godfather'? Brando's 99% Score Shocker!

Yup you read it right. While 'The Godfather' boasts an amazing 97% score on Rotten Tomatoes Marlon Brando's 1954 flick 'On the Waterfront' actually scores even higher at a whopping 99%! That's practically perfect in movie critic land. Directed by Elia Kazan this movie is a crime drama masterpiece that even earned Brando his first Oscar for Best Actor.

Don't get us wrong 'The Godfather' is still a titan. It even ranks higher on Rotten Tomatoes' "300 Best movies of All Time" list because more critics have reviewed it overall. But when it comes to pure critical love 'On the Waterfront' takes the crown percentage-wise. This movie tells the tale of Terry Malloy a former boxer played by Brando who stands up against a corrupt mob boss. Think classic Hollywood grit with a performance by Brando that is just unforgettable.

Why 99% for 'Waterfront' and Not for 'Godfather'? The Great Movie Debate

Forget 'The Godfather'! Marlon Brando's 99% Rotten Tomatoes Movie You Need to See image 3

Okay so 'The Godfather' is considered by many to be THE greatest movie ever. So why does 'On the Waterfront' edge it out on Rotten Tomatoes? It comes down to some critics feeling 'The Godfather' was maybe a tad too sensational. Believe it or not some thought it leaned a little too much into the drama to be a true masterpiece. Even Francis Ford Coppola the director himself initially felt Mario Puzo's book was a bit over the top.

'On the Waterfront' on the other hand was pretty much universally praised right from the start. By the time 'The Godfather' came around it was already considered a Golden Age Hollywood great. Plus some critics even felt Brando's iconic 'Godfather' performance was a bit cartoonish while his raw and physical performance in 'On the Waterfront' is just hard to argue against. Ultimately both movies are incredible crime dramas but 'On the Waterfront' just sneaks ahead in pure critical consensus.

'Being Maria': A New Movie Uncovers the Dark Side of 'Last Tango in Paris'

Forget 'The Godfather'! Marlon Brando's 99% Rotten Tomatoes Movie You Need to See image 4

Speaking of Marlon Brando a new movie called 'Being Maria' is bringing a different side of his legacy to light . This film is based on the true story of actress Maria Schneider and her traumatic experience filming 'Last Tango in Paris' alongside Brando.

If you don't know 'Last Tango in Paris' is famous and infamous for its graphic sexual content especially a scene involving Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider. 'Being Maria' dives into the making of that movie and the terrible impact it had on Schneider's life.

'Being Maria' Plot: From Young Actress Dream to On-Set Nightmare

'Being Maria' stars Anamaria Vartolomei as Maria Schneider and Matt Dillon as Marlon Brando. The movie shows Maria as a young actress excited to work with acclaimed director Bernardo Bertolucci and superstar Marlon Brando. Initially things seem promising but soon Maria realizes something is very wrong.

The film focuses on the now-infamous scene in 'Last Tango in Paris' where Brando's character anally rapes Schneider's character using butter. 'Being Maria' makes it clear this scene was not originally in the script. Director Bertolucci and Brando planned it together without telling Maria beforehand. She was only 19 at the time and completely unprepared for what was about to happen.

In 'Being Maria' you see how shocked and violated Schneider felt during filming. The movie shows her real tears and real distress in that scene. Although the act was simulated the emotional impact on Schneider was very real and incredibly damaging. After the scene in 'Being Maria' Maria is furious and heartbroken while Bertolucci defends his actions as artistic expression claiming he wanted authentic reaction not acting.

'Being Maria' vs. 'My Cousin Maria': Book vs. Film

'Being Maria' is based on the book 'My Cousin Maria Schneider' by Vanessa Schneider Maria's cousin. While the movie is a straightforward dramatization of the book some things are different. The movie is more focused and direct while the book explores wider themes of Maria's life and the cultural context of the time.

The movie is described as having a "stark agitprop clarity" focusing on the direct link between the abusive filming of 'Last Tango' and Schneider's later struggles. It's a powerful but perhaps less nuanced approach than the book. The book includes more about Maria's complex background her childhood her relationships and even her surprising conservative political views which are left out of the film. The book is more of a personal and historical exploration while the movie is a more focused dramatization of the trauma.

The Lasting Damage: 'Last Tango's' Controversial Scene and Maria Schneider's Life After

Both 'Being Maria' and real-life accounts highlight the devastating consequences of the 'Last Tango' shoot on Maria Schneider. After the movie's release she faced intense public scrutiny hostility and even derision. She was seen as scandalous and "always naked".

Schneider struggled with drug addiction mental health issues and career setbacks for years after 'Last Tango'. 'Being Maria' shows this painful decline and argues that the on-set abuse was directly connected to her later struggles. The movie serves as a powerful indictment of Bertolucci and Brando's actions and a call for greater awareness and protection for actors especially young actresses.

Marlon Brando's Crime Movie Mount Rushmore:

  • On the Waterfront (1954): 99% Rotten Tomatoes - A former boxer takes on corrupt union bosses.
  • The Godfather (1972): 97% Rotten Tomatoes - An epic saga of a Mafia family.

Must-See Movies: Brando's Best and Schneider's Story

So whether you are a film buff a Brando fan or someone interested in Hollywood history there are two movies you need to know about. First check out 'On the Waterfront' and see for yourself why it's Marlon Brando's highest-rated crime movie. Then watch 'Being Maria' to understand the important but painful story of Maria Schneider and the dark side of 'Last Tango in Paris'. Both films offer very different but essential perspectives on Hollywood fame and the power dynamics on set.