Okay movie fans you are not going to believe what just happened at the 2025 Oscars. Halle Berry and Adrien Brody had a moment and it was a total throwback to one of the most talked-about Oscars moments ever! Get ready for a story of surprise kisses payback and Hollywood history.

Red Carpet Smooch Alert: Halle Berry Surprises Adrien Brody with a Kiss at the 2025 Oscars – It's Payback Time!

Halle Berry was on the red carpet looking amazing as always ready to present at the awards. Then she spotted Adrien Brody who was nominated for Best Actor for his role in The Brutalist. And what did Halle do? She walked right up to him and planted a kiss on him! Yes you read that right a kiss!

If you are scratching your head wondering why this is a big deal let's rewind a bit. Fast forward back to the 2003 Academy Awards. Halle Berry presented the Best Actor award and the winner was Adrien Brody for The Pianist. When Brody went on stage to accept his Oscar he grabbed Halle and gave her a surprise passionate kiss right there on stage! It was shocking it was unexpected and it became instantly iconic.

Now 22 years later Halle got her "payback". She told Variety on the red carpet that she "had to pay him back" for that 2003 moment. She joked that it was "one hell of a night for him and for me as well." It was all in good fun though as both Halle and Adrien were laughing and smiling after the kiss.

Flashback to 2003: The Kiss That Shocked the Oscars and Made Headlines Worldwide

Halle Berry Just Kissed Adrien Brody at the Oscars! Talk About a 22-Year Callback! image 3

Let's really dive into that 2003 Oscars kiss for a moment. Halle Berry had just made history the year before becoming the first and still only Black woman to win the Best Actress Oscar for Monster's Ball. She was presenting Best Actor and when she announced Adrien Brody's name he came up on stage and things got… passionate.

Brody embraced Berry dipped her and kissed her. Halle's reaction was priceless a mix of surprise and shock. Brody even quipped "I bet they didn’t tell you that was in the gift bag." The kiss instantly went viral way before "going viral" was even really a thing. It was everywhere the next day and people are still talking about it over two decades later.

In a recent interview Brody reflected on the kiss acknowledging that times have changed and that we are in a "very conscious time". He clarified that he never intends to make anyone feel bad and Halle for her part seems to have taken it all in stride. She even congratulated Brody on his Golden Globe win for The Brutalist before this Oscars reunion showing there is no bad blood between them.

Brody's Big Night: Wins Best Actor Oscar (Again!) and Tosses Gum to His Girlfriend in Style

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The 2025 Oscars were a big night for Adrien Brody beyond just the Halle Berry kiss. He actually won Best Actor for his role in The Brutalist! This is his second Best Actor Oscar making it a truly special moment for him.

When his name was announced Adrien looked genuinely shocked covering his face and embracing his girlfriend Georgina Chapman . As he made his way to the stage in a very smooth move he tossed his chewing gum towards Georgina who caught it like a pro. Talk about cool under pressure!

On stage Brody gave an emotional speech thanking God and expressing gratitude. He mentioned that acting is a "fragile profession" and reflected on the perspective he has gained since his first Oscar win back in 2003 at just 29 years old. He acknowledged that "no matter where you are in your career it can all go away" making this second win even more meaningful.

He also referenced his character in The Brutalist and his desire to keep doing "meaningful" work for another 20 years. Brody made sure to thank a long list of people including Georgina and her kids showing how important his personal life is to him as well.

Even when the music started playing trying to cut his speech short Brody handled it like a pro jokingly asking for more time and requesting the music to be turned off so he could finish. He even said "I've done this before. It's not my first rodeo" referencing his experience with long speeches from his 2003 win.

Halle Berry Still a Trailblazer: Reflects on Being the Only Black Best Actress Winner (So Far)

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While Halle Berry's playful kiss with Adrien Brody was a fun moment it also highlighted something more serious. As mentioned earlier Halle is still the only Black woman to have won the Best Actress Oscar. This is a fact that is both historic and somewhat bittersweet.

In a recent podcast interview with Trevor Noah Halle spoke about wanting to share that "space" with other Black actresses. She said "I hope this year someone stands next to me. This year I hope it happens. Because I’m tired of occupying that space alone." Her words are a reminder that while progress has been made there is still more work to do in terms of representation and inclusion in Hollywood.

Key Moments from the Halle Berry & Adrien Brody Oscars Reunion:

Halle Berry Just Kissed Adrien Brody at the Oscars! Talk About a 22-Year Callback! image 6
  1. The 2025 Red Carpet Kiss: Halle Berry surprises Adrien Brody with a "payback" kiss 22 years after their 2003 Oscars moment.
  2. Brody's 2025 Best Actor Win: Adrien Brody wins his second Best Actor Oscar for The Brutalist.
  3. Gum Toss to Georgina: Brody smoothly tosses his gum to his girlfriend Georgina Chapman before accepting his award.
  4. Brody's Emotional Speech: Reflects on his career perspective and gratitude for his second Oscar win.
  5. 2003 Oscars Kiss Flashback: Remembering their shocking and iconic first kiss on the Oscars stage when Berry presented Brody his first Best Actor award.
  6. Halle Berry's Historic Legacy: Acknowledging Halle Berry's continued status as the only Black woman to win a Best Actress Oscar.

Full Circle Oscars Moment: Halle and Adrien's Kisses Then and Now

Halle Berry Just Kissed Adrien Brody at the Oscars! Talk About a 22-Year Callback! image 7

From a shocking impromptu kiss in 2003 to a playful payback kiss in 2025 Halle Berry and Adrien Brody have created some unforgettable Oscars moments. Their recent red carpet reunion was a fun and lighthearted callback to that earlier surprise. It shows that even in the sometimes serious world of Hollywood awards there is room for humor connection and a little bit of history repeating itself in the best way possible. And of course congratulations to Adrien Brody on his second well-deserved Oscar win!