Adain Bradley
This tag page is dedicated to Adain Bradley an actor known for his roles in various films. Here you will find the latest news articles movie announcements and any significant information related to this talented individual. This page provides movie enthusiasts a centralized location to follow his career. This includes a new war movie from A24 called 'Warfare'. Adain Bradley's upcoming works and any important developments related to his movie roles. Stay informed on all things Adain Bradley here.
Adain Bradley Latest updates: | |
Movie: Warfare | Adain Bradley is part of the ensemble cast in the film 'Warfare' directed by Alex Garland. |
Genre of Warfare | The film 'Warfare' is a war movie set during the Iraq war era. |
Director of Warfare | 'Warfare' is co-directed by Alex Garland and Ray Mendoza. |
Release Date of Warfare | 'Warfare' was released nationwide on April 11. |
A24 Production | 'Warfare' is produced by A24 known for critically acclaimed films. |
Warfare Setting | The movie 'Warfare' places audiences in a real-time conflict during the Iraq War. |
Ensemble Cast | Adain Bradley shares screen time with other talented actors such as Will Poulter, Joseph Quinn and Kit Connor in Warfare |
Collaboration | 'Warfare' is the second joint effort between Alex Garland and Ray Mendoza. |
Garland's previous work | Garland also directed 'Civil War' and 'Ex Machina'. |

Civil War 2024 Film Analysis: Themes, Cinematics and Impact
A detailed review of 'Civil War,' examining its exploration of a divided America, journalistic perspectives, cinematic elements and real-world comparisons.