
Trap is a 2024 thriller movie from director M. Night Shyamalan. The film follows a father and daughter at a pop concert which turns out to be an FBI sting operation. Cooper Abbott played by Josh Hartnett finds himself caught in a trap. He must find a way out without exposing his secret identity as a serial killer. The movie has twists and turns that keep viewers guessing. It offers a cat and mouse dynamic within a concert event. This page has details on the film.

Trap Latest updates:
Director Trap is directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan. Known for twist ending movies.
Main Cast Josh Hartnett plays Cooper Abbott the main character. Ariel Donoghue plays his daughter Riley. Saleka Shyamalan plays Lady Raven.
Plot Premise A father and daughter attend a pop concert that is secretly an FBI sting operation to capture a serial killer.
Streaming Platforms Trap is available for streaming on Netflix and Max in the United States.
Reception Reviews were mixed from critics. Audiences reacted more positively to the film experience.


Netflix Just Snuck in a Seriously Creepy Thriller: M. Night Shyamalan's 'Trap' is Here!

Netflix Just Snuck in a Seriously Creepy Thriller: M. Night Shyamalan's 'Trap' is Here!

Surprise! M. Night Shyamalan's 'Trap' starring Josh Hartnett is now streaming on Netflix. Get the plot details cast info and early reviews for this twisty thriller on MoviesMoly.

  • Question 1: What is the movie Trap about?

    Answer 1: Trap centers on a father who takes his daughter to a concert. They realize it is an FBI trap for a serial killer. The father is secretly the killer.

  • Question 2: Who directed Trap?

    Answer 2: M. Night Shyamalan directed Trap. He is also writer and producer for the movie.

  • Question 3: Who stars in Trap?

    Answer 3: Josh Hartnett leads the cast as Cooper Abbott. Ariel Donoghue plays Riley Abbott. Saleka Shyamalan is Lady Raven.

  • Question 4: Is Trap based on a true story?

    Answer 4: No. Trap is not directly based on a true story but was inspired by a real sting operation named Operation Flagship.

  • Question 5: Where can I stream Trap?

    Answer 5: Trap can be streamed on Netflix and Max in the United States currently.

  • Question 6: When was Trap released?

    Answer 6: Trap premiered in July 2024. It was released in theaters in August 2024.

  • Question 7: What type of movie genre is Trap?

    Answer 7: Trap is a thriller movie. It has elements of suspense and mystery.

  • Question 8: Did critics like Trap?

    Answer 8: Critical reviews were mixed. Some found plot holes or unrealistic elements. Audience scores are slightly higher.

  • Question 9: Is there a twist ending in Trap?

    Answer 9: Yes. M. Night Shyamalan movies often feature twist endings and Trap has a plot development as expected.