Tv Special

TV specials have a wide range covering live events to series based movies. Many types of programming are created outside of a typical series release schedule. They can be an entertainment event or something meant to educate viewers. From yearly traditions to brand new content. Specials bring TV to new levels of presentation. This page covers news on big network broadcast to smaller streaming focused one-time event releases.

Tv Special Latest updates:
Event-Based Programming Many specials are based around awards or other live style yearly scheduled events.
Holiday Themed Specials Some popular holiday traditions are often created in one-off tv events for audiences.
TV Movie Events Many network shows at times will get special one episode movies for added storyline options.
Unique Programming Many types of documentaries or travel focused content gets release only for specific periods as one time events.
Impact on Pop Culture Big and small TV specials all at times play into larger trends within popular culture.


  • Question 1: What kinds of programming do TV specials offer?

    Answer 1: TV specials cover a broad range of options. From concerts, live sports to big budget mini-series events.

  • Question 2: Are all TV specials free to view?

    Answer 2: Some might be aired freely on television. Others may only appear on streaming networks with membership fees.

  • Question 3: Do some yearly events come back each year as TV specials?

    Answer 3: Yes a variety of holiday or large yearly scheduled shows happen often on television.

  • Question 4: Can TV specials also include content from different countries?

    Answer 4: Yes it is possible for them to be of any culture. Including all forms of language and styles.

  • Question 5: Are they normally long form program content?

    Answer 5: Specials are designed in many different ways. From a few minuet quick event to multi hour movie presentation.

  • Question 6: How do they differ from regular series episodes?

    Answer 6: Specials are created as singular showings, whereas episodes are created as part of a ongoing scheduled TV series.

  • Question 7: Do TV specials get nominated for major awards?

    Answer 7: Yes. Special presentations will be part of many nominations at awards shows.

  • Question 8: Where can I find a listing of when TV specials are shown?

    Answer 8: Websites focusing on TV listings and movie information are your best source of data for upcoming events.

  • Question 9: Is any movie presented only once also called TV special?

    Answer 9: Yes. Most content shown as a singular TV event presentation may also be counted as a special presentation.

  • Question 10: Are certain styles of event only created as a special and not as regular programming?

    Answer 10: Yes. Often award shows or one off celebration focused programs are often created only to be a special.