Hold on to your capes folks because Invincible Season 3 just dropped an episode that is pure chaos! Episode 7 "What Have I Done?" throws everything at Mark Grayson and the world and leaves us breathless for the finale. Evil alternate universe Invincibles a brutal beatdown and a terrifying new villain all in one episode? Yeah Invincible is not messing around this season.
"What Have I Done?" Episode Breakdown: When Alternate Invincibles Attack!
This episode really cranks up the intensity. Angstrom Levy that multiverse-hopping baddie finally unleashes his big plan: an army of Evil Invincible variants from across dimensions. Chicago becomes ground zero for this multi-dimensional smackdown as like a dozen versions of Mark all kinds of messed up versions descend to cause destruction.
Now the good guys the Global Defense Agency (GDA) and the Guardians of the Globe are seriously outmatched. To try and even the odds they bring in some new heroes kinda old-school Silver Age types. These new heroes jump into the fight ready to save the day but uh things don't go so well for them. Sadly some of these newbies bite the dust pretty quick in scenes that are supposed to make us feel something but honestly we just met them. It's hard to get too attached in five seconds you know?
The episode does give us a flashback to explain how Angstrom Levy survived that brutal beating from Invincible last season. Turns out he had a whole team of super-tech surgeons waiting for him in some pocket dimension. Talk about planning ahead!
While all this universe-hopping villainy is going on Mark Prime our Mark is trying to have an awkward meet-the-parents chat with Atom Eve's folks. Bad timing much? Suddenly the whole world is under attack by evil versions of himself. We are talking suburbs getting wrecked landmarks smashed just general supervillain mayhem. There's even a funny bit with a Mummy's tomb that’s been a running gag for seasons but still no payoff. It's that kind of show you either love it or scratch your head at it.
The evil Invincibles are all slightly different looking – mohawks masks different costumes – but you can tell they are all Mark and Steven Yeun who voices Invincible does a solid job making them sound distinct enough. Mark Prime is way outgunned here like something straight out of Dragon Ball Z power levels are off the charts! However some of the big heroic moments feel a bit hollow. Key Guardians like Dupli-Kate Immortal and Shapesmith "die" but come on we know Dupli-Kate has clones Immortal is well immortal and Shapesmith can probably put himself back together with space putty. Even Rex Splode seems to blow himself up to take out an evil Invincible but is he really gone gone? We are not totally convinced.
Atom Eve though she gets seriously messed up. Like bone-crackingly injured. It’s pretty graphic even for Invincible. Mark has to choose between helping Eve and stopping the evil Marks. But plot convenience to the rescue! The evil Invincibles suddenly turn on Levy and he just teleports them away to another dimension. Problem solved kinda. It felt a little too easy after all that build-up to chaos.
Oliver Mark's half-brother is pushing Mark to just kill Levy already but Mark hesitates letting Levy escape yet again. This might come back to bite him later big time especially since now Powerplex another villain with a grudge is still out there. It seems like no matter what Mark does he is going to have problems.
But the episode ends with a major hook. Just when Mark is at his lowest feeling guilty and overwhelmed bam! Conquest a super powerful Viltrumite shows up ready to rumble. This is the Viltrumite Anissa warned about way back in Season 2 and he looks seriously intimidating. Mark and Conquest charge at each other and credits roll. Talk about a cliffhanger for the season finale!
Season 3 Episode Release Schedule: One Episode Left!

For those trying to keep track of when to watch here is the episode release schedule for Invincible Season 3. Good news is the first seven episodes including "What Have I Done?" are already streaming on Prime Video! Bad news is there is only one episode left. Season 3 is eight episodes total.
New episodes drop on Thursday mornings around 3:00 AM EST on Prime Video.
- Episode 1, "You're Not Laughing Now" - Streaming Now
- Episode 2, "A Deal with the Devil" - Streaming Now
- Episode 3, "You Want a Real Costume, Right?" - Streaming Now
- Episode 4, "You Were My Hero" - Streaming Now
- Episode 5, "This Was Supposed to be Easy" - Streaming Now
- Episode 6, "All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry" - Streaming Now
- Episode 7, "What Have I Done?" - Streaming Now
- Episode 8, "I Thought You'd Never Shut Up" - Streaming March 13 (Season Finale!)
Mark your calendars for March 13th the season finale "I Thought You'd Never Shut Up" is coming and it is bound to be epic.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan Joins Invincible Season 3 Cast as Conquest

Speaking of Conquest let's talk about the voice actor. It's none other than Jeffrey Dean Morgan aka Negan from The Walking Dead. Talk about perfect casting! Series creator Robert Kirkman said he had Morgan in mind for Conquest since basically the show began. He knew Morgan could bring the right mix of menace and personality to this super strong brute.
Morgan himself joked about the meta casting pointing out that he killed Steven Yeun's character Glenn in The Walking Dead and now he is fighting him again in Invincible. He said he was thrilled to give Steven "his chance at redemption". Apparently voicing Conquest is physically demanding work too lots of yelling and world-destroying sounds to make in the recording booth.
Other new voice cast members for Season 3 include some big names too:
- Aaron Paul (Powerplex)
- Simu Liu (Multi-Paul)
- Kate Mara (Becky Duvall)
- Xolo Maridueña (Dropkick)
- John DiMaggio (The Elephant)
- Tzi Ma (Mr. Liu)
- Christian Convery (Oliver Grayson/Kid-Omni Man)
Invincible Season 3 Episode 7: Key Takeaways and Finale Teasers

- Multiverse Invincible War: Angstrom Levy unleashes evil Invincible variants on Earth causing widespread destruction.
- New Heroes Introduced (and Quickly Eliminated): Silver Age style heroes join the fight but face a brutal reality check.
- Guardian Casualties (Maybe): Dupli-Kate Immortal and Shapesmith seemingly die but their fates remain questionable. Rex Splode appears to sacrifice himself.
- Atom Eve Seriously Injured: Eve sustains a visceral injury raising the stakes for Mark.
- Conquest Arrives: Terrifying Viltrumite Conquest voiced by Jeffrey Dean Morgan makes his grand entrance setting up an epic season finale showdown with Mark.
- Glenn/Negan Reunion: The finale will pit Steven Yeun (Mark/Glenn) against Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Conquest/Negan) in a meta-casting showdown for fans of The Walking Dead.
- Season Finale Next Week: Episode 8 "I Thought You'd Never Shut Up" streams March 13th promising a huge conclusion to Season 3.
Get Ready for the Invincible Season 3 Finale: It's Gonna Be Brutal

Invincible Season 3 Episode 7 "What Have I Done?" is a wild ride of multiverse action character drama and shocking twists. It sets the stage for a season finale that promises to be even more intense. With Conquest now in the picture and Mark at his lowest point things are about to get seriously brutal. If you thought Invincible held back before get ready because the finale is likely to go all out. Strap in folks it's going to be one heck of a ride to the end of Season 3!