Okay folks 9-1-1 just dropped a major bomb and it is about time! After seasons of will-they-won't-they tension the show finally directly addressed the big question on every Buddie shipper's mind: Is Buck actually in love with Eddie? Get ready to unpack all the drama because this episode "Holy Mother of God" went there and we have got all the details .
Tommy Asks the Question Then Maddie Puts Buck on the Spot Is It More Than Just Friendship?
The episode kicks off with Buck and his ex Tommy reconnecting for a night. But even a casual hookup cannot escape the elephant in the room. Tommy straight up asks Buck if Eddie is "the competition". Buck is thrown off but Tommy is not wrong to wonder. After all Buck moved into Eddie's old place. It is a fair point right?
Later on Buck's own sister Maddie gets in on the action. She is pretty direct asking Buck "Are you in love with Eddie?" Maddie a known Buddie fan herself is clearly seeing something. She even tells Buck "It wouldn’t be so crazy." Maddie has been hinting at Buck and Eddie having deeper feelings since way back so this is a long time coming.
Buck's Denial But Is He Really Convinced? Decoding Buck's Reaction and Showrunner Hints

So how does Buck react to these questions? Well he denies it. He tells Maddie "Everybody wants me to be hopelessly pining for my straight best friend!" He seems almost annoyed by the suggestion. But is Buck really telling the truth even to himself?
Showrunner Tim Minear weighed in on Buck's denial saying Buck hasn't consciously considered romantic feelings for Eddie. Minear notes "He wasn’t even thinking about kissing a boy until quite recently." But Minear also hints that Tommy's question is valid and important. Tommy was "the perfect character" to bring up the topic and get the ball rolling.
Minear even teases that Tommy's line about Eddie being "the competition" can be interpreted in different ways. Maybe Tommy is not convinced by Buck's straight denial. The show is definitely leaving things open to interpretation which is driving Buddie fans wild.
Fan Reaction Divided Are Buddie Shippers Seeing What They Want to See or is Something Really Brewing?

Unsurprisingly fans are having a field day with this episode. Online forums and social media are buzzing with Buddie theories. Some fans feel vindicated that the show is finally acknowledging the romantic tension they have seen for seasons. They think this is a clear step towards Buddie becoming canon.
Other fans are more cautious. Some believe Buck’s feelings for Eddie are purely platonic and this storyline is just about exploring Buck's emotional journey and his grief over Eddie moving away. Some viewers even accuse the show of "queerbaiting" teasing a queer relationship without any real intention of making it happen.
Many fans point to the subtext throughout the series the intense bond between Buck and Eddie and moments that have felt like more than just friendship. The debate is definitely heated and passionate with everyone having their own take on what it all means.
Aisha Hinds Directorial Debut and Insight She Directed "Holy Mother of God" and Understands the Buddie Buzz

Interestingly the "Holy Mother of God" episode was directed by none other than 9-1-1 star Aisha Hinds (who plays Hen). Hinds acknowledged the fan anticipation around Buddie and said she felt the pressure to do the storyline justice. She understands that fans are invested in this part of Buck's story and the episode aimed to "hear listen and speak" to that.
Hinds notes that it is healthy for Buck to have the chance to share his truth and for Tommy and Maddie to voice what a lot of people have been thinking. She credits actors Oliver Stark (Buck) and Ryan Guzman (Eddie) for handling the situation with "beautiful vulnerability and authenticity and honesty." It seems like everyone involved is aware of the significance of this storyline for the fans.
What's Next for Buddie? No Promises But the Door is Definitely Open

So what does all this mean for Buck and Eddie's future? Showrunner Tim Minear is not giving away any definite answers. He says they are not trying to shut down Buddie shippers but they are also not making any promises. Minear emphasizes that the story is "fluid" and they are exploring Buck's character development.
Buck telling Maddie that "Everybody wants me to be" in love with Eddie but "I'm not" is interesting. It feels like he is protesting too much. Minear even suggests that Buck saying Eddie is "straight" as a denial tactic hints that Buck himself might be questioning things. Is Buck about to embark on a journey of self-discovery? Will he confront his true feelings for Eddie? The show is leaving it hanging in the air and fans are eagerly waiting to see what happens next.