Ryan Seacrest . The name is everywhere right? From hosting American Idol for like a million seasons to taking over the legendary Wheel of Fortune gig this guy is a TV staple. But lately things have been a bit bumpy for Ryan. Fans are talking and not all of it is good. Let's get into the recent buzz surrounding Ryan Seacrest from snack choices to hosting style debates and even some ratings worries.

Ryan's Costco Snack Obsession: Sweet Potato Chips Spark Fan Frenzy (and Maybe a Costco Run?)

Let's start with something lighthearted. Turns out Ryan Seacrest has a favorite snack and it is causing a stir... in the snack aisle! Ryan posted on Instagram about watching American Idol (which he hosts duh!) with his dog Georgia. Cute dog pic aside people went wild for what he was munching on: Jackson's Avocado Oil Sweet Potato Chips with Sea Salt.

Seriously fans are now rushing to Costco to find these chips. Apparently Jackson's uses good stuff like heirloom non-GMO sweet potatoes cooked in avocado oil. Sounds kinda fancy for chips right? But people are saying they are seriously tasty and a healthier snack option. So if you are at Costco maybe keep an eye out for Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips. You can snack like Ryan Seacrest while you watch Idol. Who knew chips could cause so much excitement?

Wheel of Fortune Fan Fury: Is Ryan Seacrest Laughing at Contestant Losses? And Talking Too Much?

Is Ryan Seacrest in Hot Water? Wheel of Fortune Fans Sound Off and We Dive In! image 3

Okay now for the less snack-related and more drama-filled stuff. Ryan took over hosting Wheel of Fortune from the icon Pat Sajak. Big shoes to fill right? And some fans are definitely feeling some type of way about Ryan's hosting style . One big complaint? Some viewers think Ryan is laughing when contestants lose especially when they miss out on big money.

There was a recent episode where a contestant named Jim lost out on $100000 in the bonus round. Fans online pointed out that Ryan seemed to chuckle and smile after revealing the loss. Some people were not happy about it. They felt it was insensitive or like Ryan was laughing at the contestant's misfortune.

Of course not everyone agrees. Some fans defended Ryan saying it could be nervous laughter or a way to lighten the mood after a tough loss. Others think he genuinely enjoys seeing people win and feels bad when they don't. It's definitely sparked a debate among Wheel watchers.

Another criticism popping up? Some long-time Wheel of Fortune Viewers think Ryan talks too much . They feel like he is taking up airtime that should be focused on the game itself. Comments online suggest some viewers miss Pat Sajak's more concise hosting style feeling Ryan's extra chatter is distracting and reduces gameplay. One viewer even joked that "half the show is that now". Ouch. Is it just new host jitters or a genuine style difference that fans are not loving? That is the question.

Ratings Rollercoaster: Is Wheel of Fortune Sagging Under Seacrest? Or Just Growing Pains?

Is Ryan Seacrest in Hot Water? Wheel of Fortune Fans Sound Off and We Dive In! image 4

Adding to the drama are reports that Wheel of Fortune's ratings might be slipping a bit since Ryan took over. Some insiders are wondering if Ryan was the "star-studded fit" they hoped for compared to Pat Sajak. Apparently rival show Jeopardy! is getting closer in ratings which is raising eyebrows at Wheel HQ.

It is worth noting that Ryan's debut did give Wheel a ratings bump initially even hitting a five-year high at one point. So it is not all doom and gloom. But the honeymoon phase might be over and now network execs are watching closely to see if Ryan can maintain Wheel of Fortune's long-term success. Some sources suggest they might be considering changes if things don't pick back up. Is it just normal ratings fluctuation or is there real concern about Ryan's impact on the show's popularity? The TV world is watching.

Hollywood Squares to the Rescue? Ryan's Game Show Double Duty and Drew Barrymore Connection

Interestingly while facing Wheel of Fortune scrutiny Ryan is also hosting another game show reboot: Hollywood Squares on CBS. He is juggling both classic game show gigs. Plus Hollywood Squares has Drew Barrymore as the center square adding some star power to that show. Drew also has her own talk show on CBS so there is a network connection there.

Will Hollywood Squares be a ratings hit for Ryan? Will Wheel of Fortune bounce back? And most importantly will Ryan keep enjoying those sweet potato chips through it all? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure Ryan Seacrest is definitely a hot topic in the TV world right now and fans are not shy about sharing their opinions.

Fan Reactions to Ryan Seacrest's Wheel of Fortune Hosting: A Quick List

  • Criticism: Talking Too Much: Some fans feel Ryan's commentary takes away from game play and makes the show too focused on him.
  • Criticism: Laughing at Losses: Viewers have pointed out Ryan's smiles or chuckles when contestants lose big prizes as insensitive.
  • Defense: Nervous Energy: Some suggest his laughter might be nervous or an attempt to ease awkward moments.
  • Defense: Connecting with Contestants: Many fans appreciate Ryan's likable personality and genuine connection with contestants.
  • Defense: Maintaining Legacy: Some believe Ryan is doing a good job carrying on Pat Sajak's legacy despite initial doubts.