Alright folks late-night TV just got even more interesting. Former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg hopped on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" and things got spicy. He didn't hold back when talking about Donald Trump's recent address to Congress and let's just say the audience ate it up. Get ready for some political humor that actually makes you think and laugh at the same time.

Buttigieg Disses Trump's Speech: All Dazzle No Details But That Popular Vote Line Was Gold!

So what did Buttigieg actually say? He started off by calling Trump's speech "classic Trump". According to Pete it was full of "a lot of darkness" and "a lot of dazzle" which sounds about right. But the real kicker was his next point. He said the speech had "very very little about the aspects that most affect our lives". Basically style over substance in Pete's book.

Then Buttigieg went there. He predicted Trump's popularity is going to keep dropping if he doesn't start showing some actual results on the economy and making life more affordable. And then came the zinger the line that had the "Late Show" audience roaring with laughter and applause.

Pete reminded everyone that Trump even after "winning" the election came in with "just under 50% of the vote". He even pointed out "He won I'm not disputing that. But the smallest popular vote margin since Nixon." BOOM roasted! Buttigieg then delivered the knockout punch "I wonder how he feels about something that important being that small in his case?" Mic drop moment right there.

It was clear what Pete was hinting at. Trump is known for wanting everything to be the "biggest" and "best" so the idea of his popular vote win being "small" well that's gotta sting. Colbert himself jumped in with a quick witty response saying "To be smaller than Tricky Dick gives one pause I would say". The whole thing was comedy gold and seriously pointed all at once.

Colbert's Live Late Show Tradition Continues: Buttigieg Guest After Trump's Big Speech

Pete Buttigieg Just Dropped a Hilarious Truth Bomb on Trump's Inauguration and Colbert Loved It image 3

This whole interview happened on a special live edition of "The Late Show" . Stephen Colbert is making it a bit of a tradition to go live after big political moments like presidential addresses or debates. This time it was after Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress which even though it's not technically a "State of the Union" address since Trump is still pretty new in office it serves the same purpose.

And Pete Buttigieg was the perfect guest for this live show. Colbert announced his appearance during a previous show taping building up the anticipation. It was Pete's first TV appearance since leaving his role as Transportation Secretary in January. Talk about a get for Colbert!

The speech itself also had a Democratic response which was delivered by Lateefah Simon a rising star US representative from California. So it was a night of political talk all around and Colbert's live show was right in the middle of it.

Why Live Colbert is a Big Deal: Over 50 Episodes and Counting of Real-Time Reactions

Pete Buttigieg Just Dropped a Hilarious Truth Bomb on Trump's Inauguration and Colbert Loved It image 4

Stephen Colbert has been doing these live "Late Show" episodes since he took over from David Letterman way back in 2015. He has actually done over 50 of them now. Most of these live shows happen after huge political events you know presidential debates party conventions and of course the State of the Union. It's become his thing to give viewers that immediate comedic take on what just happened in the political world.

Funnily enough Pete Buttigieg's last appearance on "The Late Show" was also during a live broadcast. That was last summer when Colbert and his team were in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention. So Pete is clearly a go-to guest for these live political episodes. He brings that mix of political insight and wit that works so well with Colbert's style.

Buttigieg vs Trump on Colbert: Hilarious and Hard-Hitting Moments to Relive

  1. Buttigieg's "Classic Trump" Description: "a lot of darkness" and "a lot of dazzle" but lacking substance.
  2. The "Smallest Margin Since Nixon" Zinger: Mocking Trump's popular vote win in 2024.
  3. Colbert's "Tricky Dick" Quip: Responding to Buttigieg's joke with a Nixon reference.
  4. Live Show Tradition: Colbert's history of doing live episodes after major political events.
  5. Buttigieg's Return to Colbert: His first TV appearance since leaving office on Colbert's live show.

Colbert and Buttigieg Team Up for Late-Night Laughs (and Political Truths)

So if you missed Pete Buttigieg's appearance on Stephen Colbert's "Late Show" you missed a good one. It was funny it was sharp and it definitely gave us something to think about when it comes to Trump's political style and standing. Colbert's live show format continues to be a great way to get that instant comedic reaction to big political news and having guests like Buttigieg who can deliver both humor and substance makes it even better. Late night TV is definitely keeping the political conversation interesting and entertaining.