Alright folks get ready for some political sass because Pete Buttigieg former Transportation Secretary just dropped by "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert " and things got spicy real quick. He didn't hold back when talking about Donald Trump's recent address to Congress and let's just say the audience was loving every minute of it.

Buttigieg Slams Trump's Speech: 'Darkness' 'Dazzle' and Missing the Point on Real People's Lives

First off Pete didn't mince words about Trump's speech . He called it "classic Trump" which is probably not a compliment in Pete's book. He broke it down saying it was "a lot of darkness" and "a lot of dazzle". Sounds about right huh? But here is the kicker according to Buttigieg the speech was seriously lacking when it came to talking about "the things that most affect our lives." Ouch.

Pete made it clear he thinks politics should be about everyday stuff the things government can actually do to improve people's lives. He seemed pretty unimpressed with Trump's focus on other stuff instead of kitchen-table issues. Colbert chimed in joking about Trump wanting to rename the Gulf of Mexico which just added to the general feeling of "huh?".

The 'Size' Joke Heard 'Round the Internet: Buttigieg Teases Trump's Popular Vote Margin and It's Brutal

Pete Buttigieg Just Roasted Trump on Colbert and the Crowd Went Wild! image 3

Now for the moment everyone is talking about: the joke. Pete brought up Trump's popular vote in the last election and it got seriously shady in the best way. He pointed out that Trump "came in with just under 50% of the vote." Then he delivered the zinger. Wait for it...

"He won I’m not disputing that. But the smallest popular vote margin since Nixon." Mic drop moment right there. Buttigieg did not stop there. He then asked with a perfectly sly smile "I wonder how he feels about something that important being that small in his case?"

Boom. The audience went nuts laughter cheers the whole shebang. It was a clear jab at Trump's well-known obsession with being the biggest and best at everything whether it's crowd sizes poll numbers or you name it. Colbert himself was loving it joking "To be smaller than Tricky Dick gives one pause I would say." The joke basically implied that for someone like Trump being even slightly less than the "biggest" is probably a sore spot and Buttigieg poked it expertly.

Senate Run Rumors and Colbert's Question: Will Buttigieg Make a Political Comeback?

Pete Buttigieg Just Roasted Trump on Colbert and the Crowd Went Wild! image 4

Of course Colbert being Colbert also had to ask about Pete's future plans. There's been buzz about Buttigieg potentially running for a Senate seat in Michigan. Colbert straight up asked him if there was anything he wanted to tell the audience about that. Pete played it cool though.

"Not tonight" was his response. He said he is still thinking about it and wants to keep working on things he cares about. He hasn't decided yet if that means running for office again or not. So the Senate run question is still up in the air but it's definitely something people are watching closely.

Tariffs and LGBTQ+ Rights: Buttigieg on Trump's Policies and What's at Stake for Everyday Americans

Pete Buttigieg Just Roasted Trump on Colbert and the Crowd Went Wild! image 5

Beyond the jokes Buttigieg got into some serious policy stuff too. He talked about Trump's proposed tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada. Pete didn't sugarcoat it saying folks should expect to see higher grocery prices because of these tariffs. He called tariffs "a tax" that will hit regular Americans in their wallets even if it is not labeled as such.

He also brought up Trump's stance on LGBTQ+ rights specifically mentioning efforts to restrict transgender student athletes. Colbert asked him about the moral implications of these policies. Buttigieg who made history as the first openly gay Cabinet secretary emphasized that America is strongest when it is inclusive and "widens the circle of belonging and equality". He sees discrimination as a low point for the nation.

Pete urged people who are concerned about these policies not to just complain but to get organized get involved and hold lawmakers accountable. Basically don't just tune out get active.

Pete Buttigieg: From Transportation Secretary to Late-Night Humor Hero?

Pete Buttigieg Just Roasted Trump on Colbert and the Crowd Went Wild! image 6

So what is the takeaway from Pete Buttigieg's Late Show appearance? Well he definitely landed some comedic punches on Trump but he also delivered a pretty clear message about policy and political engagement. He's using Humor to get people's attention and then diving into the issues he cares about. Whether he runs for Senate or not Pete Buttigieg is clearly still a force in the political conversation and he knows how to make a splash even with just a few well-placed words and a perfectly timed "size" joke.

Key Moments from Pete Buttigieg's Late Show Appearance:

Pete Buttigieg Just Roasted Trump on Colbert and the Crowd Went Wild! image 7
  • "Classic Trump" Speech Critique: Described Trump's address as "darkness" and "dazzle" lacking substance on everyday issues.
  • Popular Vote Margin Joke: Made a viral "size" joke comparing Trump's popular vote win to Nixon's.
  • Tariff Warning: Explained how Trump's tariffs would likely lead to higher grocery prices for Americans.
  • LGBTQ+ Rights Advocacy: Spoke about the importance of inclusivity and the negative impact of discriminatory policies.
  • Senate Run Tease: Remained coy about running for Senate in Michigan but didn't rule it out.