Sister Wives the popular television series on TLC follows the complex lives of Kody Brown and his plural marriages. With separations the new normal in season 19 viewers get to see more of the unraveling in how these lives all come to a stop along with the division of finances in their joint property named "Coyote Pass”.

  • Ongoing property disputes are central to Season 19’s storyline after several separations.
  • The series shows legal and financial implications of polygamist relationships when the love starts to fail.
  • Viewers also see how emotional toll separation can create by looking into individual views and reactions to specific events.
  • “Coyote Pass” the 14-acre Arizona property becomes an area of contention that puts into the forefront deep seated personal and financial issues.
  • The show focuses on a mix of hurt, confusion and acceptance during this specific part of the families unique experience.
  • Fans were introduced to “Hotel Amavi” during a celebration event showcasing it on social media during all of the series filming.

The Battle Over Coyote Pass

Coyote Pass is a property purchased years ago by the Brown family in Arizona intended to bring all members to be in close proximity. Now because the relationships have fractured between each of his former wives Meri , Janelle and Christine it has caused a large issue over divvying up what is considered a large asset.

Individual Agendas

Meri who once felt she was “keeping the peace” now openly fights for her portion of the land that is held up by a structure she feels was made mostly by Kody. Janelle reveals she went as far as to hire a lawyer for herself stating that if she needs to “fight for what’s mine”. And while Christine has since moved on she is keeping her eyes on any unfolding details of the conflict between Kody and the two other former Sister Wives. Each has a viewpoint and an agenda for the process showcasing the difficulties after their separations.

Kody's Perspective

Kody is ready to move on and sell but still holds a sentimental aspect for it while still understanding the business components. However he does also mention that a lot of issues were being caused with “that land” as he was often reminded of that being the last time the whole family got together in one location. He stated that he had paid for almost 92% of one particular lot which shows his perspective in the situation.

Legal and Financial Ramifications

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Many of the former sister wives have begun to enlist lawyers for advice and aid in sorting through how they will have their lives untangled with Kody, as they seek help to ensure a fair and equal split. Each member is navigating a complicated situation where legal help becomes necessary due to there never having been an officially signed and recognized marriage contract.

Janelle's Perspective on the Law

Janelle also said "he feels like there's something that we can present there because we paid for the land out of the family account”. Due to no formal structure and a blend of finances, she also says she has almost no legal rights to make any claim. This further demonstrates that their situation was complicated on the start and is something that still has more complexities due to that reason.

Seeking Equitable Divisions

The fight for equal portions on the "Coyote Pass" has become a legal issue. Each family member is working through complex ownerships to insure a good financial decision for all parties involved but particularly for the wives as they move into their own individual new chapters of life.

The Emotional Toll of Separation

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As each relationship of the family comes to an end the emotional aspect of this is highlighted as many individuals discuss the feeling they are experiencing with every new step that is taken. While navigating new changes in their lives there are multiple personal feelings to consider through each turn.

Lack of Trust and Communication

A major problem is revealed with the ongoing lack of communication between all who have previously been very close. This inability to speak plainly as each character acts independently highlights what the dissolving of the family structure is like as each new chapter opens up for every single person. A need for self-preservation appears throughout multiple characters in the show.

Resentments and New Beginnings

After leaving their previous arrangements with Kody the now separated women are taking on new challenges that are not associated with their prior roles as wives. Christine flaunts the joys of her marriage while Janelle is focusing on finances to relocate and all with the addition of their individual family growth. Meri is trying to heal from many layers of issues she went through.

Kody's Changing Perspectives

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Kody shows frustration from some issues including his now separated wives new directions which goes alongside seeing the financial pieces they are attempting to take as their own with new legal guidance. Through his changing personality Kody shows his growing awareness of what had been lost due to dissolving a family dynamic while claiming that a desire to start over is his new focus in life. His vision has changed after realizing much of what was known has had to adjust during the process.

Reevaluation of Relationships

Kody discusses that he was in several different situations where he felt pressure from wives or not listened to which in return made him emotionally detach himself. A loss of feeling of what family means was mentioned from each perspective of former wife making this transition hard to handle on both the surface and internally. As Kody deals with new reality of where life has shifted.

Recurring Questions

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Many recurring issues on the show always seem to revolve around control of family finances or land that could of been considered jointly owned between all parties. Other issues also came about such as family structure and not giving priority to those he could consider as being on his side as his view and priorities change with new perspective. The common themes of each side can highlight new directions for their future journeys.

"Betting on Paradise"

While the series “Sister Wives” documents struggles that came from their lives it was also documented with “Betting on Paradise”. This spin off type series allowed Luke and Steph’s story as it unfolded on the other end to a wide viewship by documenting real moments.

Key Takeaways

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  • The Brown family’s Coyote Pass land is at the center of most conflicts.
  • Financial issues between the former couple’s legal agreements become very prominent as each divorce occurred.
  • There were notable changes of perspectives in how communication now plays into this new dynamic which includes feelings of anger or needing validation for every decision being made.
  • With "Betting On Paradise" the vision for the show's goals and focus has been clearly demonstrated to see the journey beyond what the camera showcases.
  • Viewers are able to observe what each unique perspective means with this long term series and all its changes along with many layers of details they are willing to share.