Anticipation is increasing for Survivor season 48 and the cast is already making bold predictions about what is to come. Just days before the game began in Fiji Entertainment Weekly asked the new players to share their hunches. These Survivor hopefuls offered some truly interesting guesses about potential twists challenges and even the finale itself.

A great Survivor player needs to think ahead. Predicting what might happen is part of the strategy. So it is fascinating to see what season 48 's cast anticipates for their own season. Let's explore some of the most noteworthy predictions before the season premiere airs on February 26.

Goats Challenges and Live Finales? Cedrek McFadden Thinks So

Will a Goat Interrupt a Challenge?

Eva Erickson humorously predicted a bizarre challenge interruption involving a goat. She noted "I predict that a goat is going to come and interrupt one of the challenges. It's been interrupting. It interrupted my interview up there and there was a goat that was near our tent that we could see." This lighthearted prediction highlights the unpredictable nature of filming in Fiji and the funny moments that can arise.

Cedrek McFadden on the other hand offered a prediction related to the show's format. "I'm going to say that there's going to be a live finale at the end of the season" McFadden stated. He reminisced about attending a live finale for season 25 and the exciting experience. He suggests production might realize the value of a live finale again. "They're going to do a live finale" he confidently declared.

Bianca Roses' Eating Contest Gut Feeling and David Kinne's Physical Challenge Guess

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Is the Eating Challenge Coming Back?

Bianca Roses has a strong feeling about a specific type of challenge. "My bold prediction is that the eating contest is coming back" Roses announced. Her confidence stems from her belief in her own eating abilities. "I'm Italian. I'm a human garbage disposal. I'll eat anything that comes into my mouth." She feels so strongly about this that she believes "what I think about a lot does come true." Could we see the return of the infamous eating challenge this season thanks to Bianca's prediction?

David Kinne looked back at Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains for his prediction. "Alright bold prediction. The last season I actually watched was Heroes vs. Villains and it was a lot of physical brutal games that paired people off." Observing the athletic nature of the season 48 cast Kinne thinks production might be planning something similar. "And so my prediction is they're going to bring back a challenge that actually pairs up one-on-one in circumstances such as Heroes vs. Villains." This suggests a return to more directly competitive and physical challenges.

Kamilla Karthigesu Foresees a Tie and Justin Pioppi Predicts Idol Mania

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Tie at Final Tribal Council?

Kamilla Karthigesu offered a strategic prediction about the final tribal council. "I think there's going to be a two-way tie at final three and the third-place finalist is going to have to vote and break that tie" Karthigesu hypothesized. She believes Jeff Probst's comments about not rewarding "goats" could influence jury votes leading to a close and possibly tied result. "Everyone wants to have some sort of move or some sort of strategy that they can own and articulate at final Tribal Council. So I think it could be a close final Tribal" she explained.

Justin Pioppi focused on idol and advantage usage based on recent seasons. "I think that people are going to play advantages early and often because we all just saw 46 and we saw everyone kind of held it to the very end and didn't think they needed it and then next thing you know your torch got snuffed." The idol-heavy eliminations of season 46 seem to be weighing on the minds of new players. "So I think that people are going to be idol happy. I think people are going to be advantage happy. I think even if you don't need it you're going to use it and you're going to burn it" Pioppi predicted.

Kevin Leung's Idol Reverse Psychology and Sai Hughley's Hidden Idol Fear

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No Idols at the Start?

Kevin Leung presented a fascinating reverse psychology prediction about hidden immunity idols. "My bold prediction for season 48 is that there will actually not be any idols in the beginning. There will actually be clues and the clues will remain anonymous until post-merge." Leung thinks production might be trying to outsmart players who expect idols to be readily available. "If I was production and I knew that I would reverse meta the meta and say 'Okay let's put just clues or fake idols on the beach and get so much paranoia'" Leung reasoned.

Sai Hughley is concerned about the location of hidden idols drawing inspiration from a past season. "I have a feeling that they're going to bring back from the season of Malcolm and Denise where they hid the idol underneath the lid of the rice container." This hidden idol spot worries Hughley particularly since they may not have rice containers. "So where would they put it exactly? Underneath our structure after we've already built it? And who's going to be looking for that?" He highlights how tricky and unexpected idol placements can be.

Shauhin Davari's Applebee's Tears and Star Toomey's Edge of Extinction Question

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More Applebee's Crying?

Shauhin Davari humorously predicts a repeat of a memorable Survivor moment. "I think somebody is going to cry about Applebee's again." Referencing a past emotional reward challenge Davari jokes about the possibility of another player getting tearful over Applebee's. "If we have Applebee's somebody's crying over Applebee's. Applebee's is getting their money's worth bro. Jesus best sponsorship ever!"

Star Toomey wonders about the return of a controversial twist. "I've kind of been thinking about it and they might actually bring back Edge of Extinction. Will my season be an Edge of Extinction season? Because that was a pretty dope season." Edge of Extinction allowed voted-out players to compete to return to the game. Toomey believes its potential for drama makes it a likely candidate for a comeback. "Why wouldn't they bring it back? That's something that's going to be good TV. So if I had to predict I think they're bringing it back Edge of Extinction for season 48."

Thomas Krottinger's Exile Island Fear and Charity Nelms' Sleeper Prediction

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Exile Island Every Week?

Thomas Krottinger's prediction stems from personal dread. "My bold prediction and it's because it's the thing that I fear the most so I'm just bracing myself for [it] is Exile Island." Exile Island a place of isolation and hardship is Krottinger's biggest fear. "And not just like seasons 41 and 42. I'm talking Exile Island is back and it's every week and it's happening all the time. And I feel like I'm going to get so f---ed. That is my prediction because it's my greatest fear. So it's going to happen."

Charity Nelms offers a prediction about gameplay styles. "I think there are a few characters here that are going to try to monopolize the camera time and make the big moves but that there are some quieter more low-key people that I think they're actually going to shine over those that are really trying to make big moves and do too much." Nelms anticipates that flashy gameplay might not be as successful as subtle strategic maneuvering. "There is such a fine balance between swinging for the fences and doing too much and that can put a target on your back. There are a couple people I have in mind that I think are going to be those sleepers."

Joe Hunter's Tribe Dynamic Guess and Chrissy Sarnowsky's No Showmance Claim

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Unusual Tribe Dynamics?

Joe Hunter thinks the season might feature a different player count and tribe structure. "A bold prediction for me would be that I think there is going to be a larger number of players than in the past and I think the dynamic of each tribe will be unlike we've ever seen." He believes changes in tribe composition could significantly impact the challenges and social game. "Whether it be the balance of male–female type thing whether it’s the balance of numbers that will set the tone for every challenge to be different than it's ever been before as well."

Chrissy Sarnowsky makes a social prediction about relationships. "I don't think there's going to be a showmance. I've been looking at everybody and it doesn't look like that's going to happen." She assesses the cast's chemistry and concludes a romantic relationship is unlikely to form. "And I think I'm going to be in the final three but that's just me hoping and wishing and praying. Otherwise who knows what the f---'s going to happen."

Kyle Fraser's Final Tribal Tie and Stephanie Berger's Idol Play Expectation

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Final Tribal Tie Again?

Kyle Fraser echoes Kamilla's tie prediction but with a personal twist. "There's going to be a tie at the final Tribal and this is because I will be in the final Tribal and I do think that I'm going to be at the final Tribal with one other person that I trust or at least have worked with closely in this game to the point where the jury will have trouble differentiating our games." Fraser envisions a close final tribal where his bond with an ally could lead to a tied jury vote. "And I'm okay with that. My mantra is people first."

Stephanie Berger focuses on idol strategy and a reaction to season 46. "So I'm in 48 we've all just seen 46 where we watched four people go home with idols in their pocket back-to-back-to-back-to-back. And 46 is a season and that was really fun to watch." Berger believes the idol fails of season 46 will influence season 48 players. "I can't imagine though that production's not going to take action to make sure that idols are used more." She expects players to be more proactive with idols. "And I will make the bold prediction that I don't think four people are going to go out back-to-back. I don't think four people are going to go out back-to-back and I think we're going to see a lot more idol plays than we did in 46. People are going to be trigger f---ing happy on their idol plays and they're going to be really eager to get them off."

Mitch Guerra's Final Three Guys Prediction and Local Contestants to Watch

Three Guys at the End?

Mitch Guerra offers a gender-based prediction for the final tribal council. "I think this'll be the first time in a long time that there are three guys sitting at the final Survivor Tribal Council. And I will be one of them." Guerra boldly anticipates an all-male final three.

Among the cast is Joe Hunter a fire captain from Sacramento. As reported by Hunter is using Survivor as a platform to honor his late sister Joanna and raise awareness about domestic violence. Hunter stated "To get past some of that pain I had to get off the couch and say 'you know what to honor her to be Joanna’s voice I’m going to give it a shot.’" His athletic background and dedication could make him a strong contender.

Another contestant with local ties is Kevin Leung from Livermore. highlights Leung's inspiration from Yul Kwon and his strategy to be underestimated. Leung mentioned "I want to look as ditsy and clueless as possible because that’s what’s going to help me go far in this game." It will be interesting to see if his "nerdy guy" approach and strategy will lead to success.

Final Thoughts on Survivor 48 Predictions

The Survivor 48 cast predictions are a mix of humorous guesses strategic insights and personal hopes. From goat interruptions to live finales from eating contests to Exile Island these players have a wide range of expectations for their season. Whether any of these bold predictions come true remains to be seen. One thing is certain season 48 promises to be another unpredictable chapter in Survivor history. Fans will be eagerly watching to see which if any of these predictions materialize and to witness the drama and excitement of a new season unfold.