Okay game show fans get ready for this. Vanna White icon of Wheel of Fortune for like ever just revealed something totally wild about her job. You know Vanna right? Smiling gracefully beside the puzzle board turning letters looking amazing. Well it turns out that glamorous gig might be even sweeter than we all thought.

34 Days a Year?! Vanna White's Jaw-Dropping Wheel of Fortune Work Secret

Seriously you are not going to believe this. Vanna spilled the beans on "Elvis Duran and the Morning Show" and the hosts were just as surprised as anyone would be. She said "We film about 34 days a year." Yep thirty-four. For the whole year of Wheel of Fortune. Can you even imagine?

Everyone in the studio was like "Wait what?!" It sounds too good to be true right? But Vanna confirmed it. Thirty-four days of work a year. That is basically a month and a few extra days. The rest of the time? Well that is a whole lot of free time. 331 days off according to some quick math. Vanna herself was even taken aback when someone pointed out that massive amount of time off. She admitted she had "never looked at it like that."

Six Shows a Day: It's a Whirlwind When Vanna's Working

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Now before you start feeling too jealous there is a catch. When Vanna is working she is really working. She mentioned they film "six shows a day." Six! That is a whole lot of puzzles and letter turning in one day. As Vanna joked "Come on feel bad for me." Okay maybe a little bit. Filming six episodes of anything in a day sounds intense no matter how amazing the job is.

And as someone quickly pointed out on the radio show six shows also means "six different dresses a day!" Vanna confirmed it. So while she has tons of days off when she is on set it is a busy busy day. Six outfit changes and who knows how many puzzles later she has put in a full day's work.

From Pat to Ryan: Vanna's Long Run on Wheel of Fortune Continues

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Vanna has been on Wheel of Fortune for a super long time. Since 1982 to be exact. That is over four decades of turning letters. She worked alongside Pat Sajak for most of that time - 42 years to be exact. Pat retired last year in June 2024 after 41 seasons as host. It was definitely the end of an era.

Now Vanna is co-hosting with Ryan Seacrest. She said it has been "an adjustment" after working with Pat for so many years which makes total sense. But she also mentioned Ryan is doing a "great job" and that he even joked "No one could ever replace Pat Sajak. I’m just here to fill in." It sounds like the show is in good hands with Ryan and Vanna still at the letter board.

Vanna's Evolution: From Turning Letters by Hand to Laser Magic!

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Over the years the Wheel of Fortune letter board has changed a bit. Vanna even joked about asking production to "make my job easier." And they actually did! She explained how it has evolved. First she really did physically turn each letter by hand. Then they switched to a touch screen system where she just touched the letter spaces. Now? It is even more high-tech.

Vanna said "There’s a laser. And the motion of my hand that gets near the letter it will light up." A laser-activated letter board! How cool is that? It sounds like Vanna has gone from manual labor to Jedi letter turning skills. Technology making life a little easier even on Wheel of Fortune.

Vanna's View: Wheel of Fortune is Family Fun and a "Positive" Escape

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Despite the short work year Vanna clearly loves being part of Wheel of Fortune. She told Parade magazine last year that it is "a half-hour of family fun and escape from so much." She sees it as a "positive family show" and she loves being part of that positive vibe. In a world that can sometimes feel a bit heavy and stressful Wheel of Fortune is that lighthearted escape that families can enjoy together. And Vanna White is a big part of that feel-good factor.

Key Facts About Vanna White's Wheel of Fortune Schedule:

Vanna White's Wheel of Fortune Schedule: Get Ready to be Shocked! image 7
  • Works only 34 days a year for Wheel of Fortune.
  • Films 6 shows per day on filming days.
  • Has 331 days off per year.
  • Co-hosted with Pat Sajak for 42 years.
  • Now co-hosts with Ryan Seacrest.
  • Letter board technology evolved from manual to touch screen to laser activated.
  • Sees Wheel of Fortune as "family fun".

So Who Wants Vanna's Job? Maybe It's Not as Easy as It Looks (But Still Pretty Awesome)

Okay let's be real 34 days of work a year sounds pretty amazing right? But remember Vanna films six shows a day and has been doing this for decades. It is a job that requires poise grace and a whole lot of letter-turning skill. Plus those six daily outfit changes! It might not be as easy as just standing there and smiling but it definitely sounds like a sweet gig. Vanna White has truly landed in a career jackpot and after all these years she definitely deserves it.