Alright White Lotus watchers things are heating up in Thailand faster than you can say "Sawadika". Episode 4 of Season 3 just aired and it's a slow burn that suddenly ignites. We're drowning in pills guns and maybe even more trouble than we bargained for. Let's dive into all the juicy details because trust me you don't want to miss a thing .

Pills Guns and Water Fights? Episode 4 Highlights You Can't Miss

This week's episode starts with Timothy still popping pills like they are candy. His lorazepam addiction is spiraling and he's stealing his wife's stash. Bad move Tim. Turns out his phone call with his lawyer was a major downer. He is losing everything back home house jail time the whole shebang. Panic mode: activated.

Meanwhile remember that robbery? Security is now armed but in a classic White Lotus move the guard Gaitok gets a gun with zero training. Guess who leaves said gun unattended right outside the security gate while chatting up Mook? Yep Gaitok. And guess who is conveniently outside the gate freaking out about his impending doom? Also yep Timothy. Gun goes missing obviously. This cannot end well.

The blonde besties are bored with the resort life bless their hearts. Jaclyn wants "vibes" and drags Kate and Laurie on a disastrous field trip. First stop a retirement resort which is a major fail. Then they somehow end up in a massive water fight on the streets of Thailand because it is New Year celebrations after all. Chaos ensues naturally.

And because boats are cursed in the White Lotus universe Saxon throws a yacht party. It looks suspiciously like Tanya's death boat from Season 2. Saxon Chloe Chelsea and Rick are all aboard heading to a full moon party. Saxon declares "Sht's about to get crazy." Understatement of the season?

Best Lines That Perfectly Capture the White Lotus Mayhem

White Lotus Episode 4: Chaos in Paradise or Just Another Beach Day Gone Wrong? Let's Unpack It! image 3

This show is known for its killer dialogue. Here are some of the lines that made us chuckle cringe and maybe gasp a little this week:

  • "You don’t have enough lorazepam to get through one week at a wellness spa?" ~Piper Ratliff to her mother Victoria (Seriously relatable).
  • "We can’t just sit at the pool all week. I mean it’s a beautiful pool but we should at least one day sit by a different pool don’t you think?!" ~Jaclyn to Kate and Laurie (Rich people problems at their finest).
  • "I’m a pillar of the community." ~a slurring Timothy to fellow guests on the yacht (Pillar of delusion more like).
  • "We know how to make fun!" ~Vlad one of Valentin’s Russian friends to the frenemy girlfriends (Subtle season 2 callback for the win).
  • "Federal prison. Most of them aren’t too bad. I know a few guys who’ve come out fine." ~Tim’s lawyer to Tim (Comforting much?).

And a bonus cringe-worthy line from Saxon about what traveling girls in Thailand are "thirsty for" followed by his mangled attempt at the Thai greeting "Sawadika." Seriously Saxon dude read the room.

Biggest Clues and Fan Theories: Is Gary REALLY Greg and Is Belinda in Danger?

White Lotus Episode 4: Chaos in Paradise or Just Another Beach Day Gone Wrong? Let's Unpack It! image 4

Suspicion is swirling around Gary aka Greg. Victoria asks Gary about his past work and he vaguely says "Government work a little investing." Government work? Like Greg and his Bureau of Land Management gig? Hmm suspicious.

Belinda is onto Gary. A quick Google search reveals some seriously shady stuff about Tonya McQuoid her old White Lotus pal. Turns out Tonya is dead and her husband Greg is MIA. Belinda puts two and two together and realizes Gary in Thailand is Greg Hunt Tanya's maybe-not-so-grieving widower. Awkward.

Then there is the ending. Greg aka Gary is creepily looking at Belinda's Instagram zooming in on a picture of her and her son Zion. Is Belinda in danger? All signs point to YES.

White Lotus Kill-or-Be-Killed Report: Episode 4 Power Ranking

White Lotus Episode 4: Chaos in Paradise or Just Another Beach Day Gone Wrong? Let's Unpack It! image 5

Who is most likely to end up dead or doing the killing this week? Here is a fun power ranking based on Vulture's "Kill-or-Be-Killed Report":

  • Valentin: Killer. Scam artist vibes strong. Suspiciously timed "hello" to Gaitok after the robbery. Could be working with Chloe and Greg.
  • Rick: Killer or Killed. Wants revenge likely to try and murder Sritala's husband. But his terrible decision making skills might get HIM killed instead.
  • Chelsea: Killer. Still with Rick after the snake incident? Maybe not as dumb as she looks. Could snap and take matters into her own hands.
  • Victoria: Neither Killer nor Killed (for now). Too caught up in her own pill-induced haze to be a killer. Accidental overdose maybe?
  • Belinda: Neither Killer nor Killed. Hopefully survives to tell the tale. Not a killer type but definitely a target now.
  • Timothy: Neither Killer nor Killed. Meltdown imminent but more likely to end up in jail than a body bag.
  • Gaitok: Killer (incompetently) or Killed. Could accidentally kill someone to prove his manhood OR get killed due to sheer incompetence.
  • Saxon: Neither Killer nor Killed. Too busy trying to get his brother laid and flirting with Chloe to be a killer. Might be douchey enough to get killed though.
  • Lochlan: Neither Killer nor Killed. Needs personality improvement more than anything. Unlikely to kill or be killed unless boredom is fatal.
  • Piper: Neither Killer nor Killed. Risk of dying from boredom is high. Otherwise mostly harmless.
  • Jaclyn Laurie and Kate: Potential Killers. Kate especially now revealed as a gun-owning Trumper. Friends might not survive her political opinions alone.
  • Chloe: Potential Killer. Seemed ditzy but might be smarter than she lets on. Could be in on Greg's scams or have her own agenda.

What's Next? Buckle Up for More White Lotus Chaos

Episode 4 definitely sets the stage for some serious drama to unfold. Belinda is in danger Greg is shady Timothy is spiraling and who knows what Rick and Chelsea will do next. Will Belinda survive her Greg encounter? Will someone find that missing gun? And seriously what is up with boats on this show? Tune in next week to find out because in the White Lotus universe paradise is never what it seems and someone is definitely not making it out alive.