Okay folks you know Whoopi Goldberg is the queen of keeping it real on The View. Well recently things got so real so fast that Whoopi literally collapsed . Yes you read that right collapsed! But don't worry it was all in good fun and completely hilarious. The topic that sent Whoopi over the edge? None other than Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's divorce.

Sunny Hostin Believes in Fairytales Whoopi Goldberg Does Not: The Great JLo and Ben Debate on The View

It all went down on a recent episode of The View when the ladies started chatting about the Bennifer split. Apparently things got heated very quickly especially when Sunny Hostin declared she thought the whole Ben and Jen rekindled romance was "supposed to be true love". Cue the drama!

Sunny was going on about how she really believed in Ben and JLo's epic love story. That's when Whoopi stepped in with some classic Whoopi no-nonsense attitude. Whoopi shot back at Sunny saying "No you said it was true love. You're the only one who believed that!" Ouch tell us how you really feel Whoopi.

But Sunny was not backing down. She doubled down on her belief that maybe it really was true love and "then just something happened". At this point Joy Behar another co-host chimed in with a simple but effective "Oh please". And Whoopi? Well Whoopi decided words were not enough to express her feelings on this topic.

The Dramatic Table Collapse: Whoopi Goldberg's Hilarious Reaction to Divorce Discussions Goes Viral

Whoopi Goldberg Just Couldn't Even With the JLo and Ben Affleck Divorce Talk on The View image 3

As Sunny kept talking about true love and JLo and Ben Whoopi slowly started to… well… melt. She dramatically lowered her head onto the table right there on air. It was a slow motion collapse of comedic genius. You could see she was completely done with this conversation.

Sara Haines another co-host even reached over to try and pull Whoopi back up. But Whoopi was committed to her bit. She stayed face down on the table in protest. It was a truly epic reaction. To signal the end of the agony Whoopi enthusiastically banged her iconic bell basically yelling "Commercial break please! Save me from this true love talk!"

Thankfully the show went to commercial shortly after saving Whoopi from further JLo and Ben divorce chat torture. The whole thing was so over-the-top and funny it quickly went viral online. People loved Whoopi's dramatic and honest reaction. It perfectly captured how many of us feel about endless celebrity relationship gossip sometimes.

Ben Affleck Says No Drama in Divorce: Adding Fuel to The View Fire

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Interestingly all this happened around the time Ben Affleck himself was giving an interview about the divorce. And what did he say? He basically said it was no big deal no drama no scandal. He told British GQ “There’s no scandal no soap opera no intrigue. The truth is when you talk to somebody ‘Hey what happened?’ Well there is no: ‘This is what happened.’ It’s just a story about people trying to figure out their lives and relationships in ways that we all sort of normally do.”

So while Sunny Hostin was dreaming of true love crashing and burning Ben was saying it's just life. Maybe Whoopi collapsing on the table was the most realistic reaction after all. Sometimes celebrity breakups are just… breakups. No need for dramatic pronouncements of lost true love just maybe a need for a commercial break and a good laugh.

Key Moments from Whoopi's Hilarious JLo & Ben Divorce Reaction on The View

Whoopi Goldberg Just Couldn't Even With the JLo and Ben Affleck Divorce Talk on The View image 5
  • The Topic: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's divorce.
  • Sunny Hostin's Take: Believed it was "true love" that ended.
  • Whoopi Goldberg's Rebuttal: "You're the only one who believed that!"
  • Joy Behar's Agreement with Whoopi: "Oh please."
  • Whoopi's Dramatic Action: Slowly and hilariously collapsed onto the Hot Topics table.
  • Sara Haines' Attempt to Help: Reached over to try and get Whoopi to sit up.
  • Whoopi's Rescue Signal: Enthusiastically banged her bell for a commercial break.
  • Ben Affleck's Divorce Explanation: Claimed "no scandal no soap opera no intrigue" just normal relationship stuff.

Whoopi Goldberg: The Queen of Real Reactions and Hilarious Honesty on The View

Let's be honest Whoopi Goldberg's reaction to the JLo and Ben divorce chat was comedy gold. It was unexpected it was physical and it was totally relatable. In a world of carefully curated celebrity responses Whoopi's genuine and over-the-top reaction was refreshing. She showed us all how we sometimes feel when celebrity gossip gets a little too much: face down on the table and begging for a break.