Civil War, a 2024 film explores a dystopian future in the U.S.. While some call it mediocre or "mid" other's have strong opinions about the content. It presents a scenario of a divided nation while not delving too deeply into the details surrounding the reasons for the war.

Premise of Civil War

The plot features a United States which has fallen into a civil war. It focuses on three states that have separated from the government to form an opposition, specifically in California, Texas and Florida and how it affects those trying to report the story. The story follows the journalists on a journey toward documenting the conflict and bringing light to all angles of war. The film attempts to portray a lack of bias.

The Focus on Journalism

The main perspective is given from a group of journalists documenting the ongoing chaos. The characters make it their goal to capture the story for the public record despite their personal view. This makes the message more effective since it focuses on what is seen and not from particular views or feelings.

Themes Explored in Civil War

Avoidance of Specific Ideologies

The movie purposely stays away from political ties for what began the war or what specific groups were the instigators. The lack of clearly defined "good" and "bad" is something that has generated discourse with a variety of audience interpretations, while adding suspense with different perspectives that create confusion and a strong need for awareness within chaos.

Cinematic Techniques and World Building

Even with mixed opinions the visual effects, world building and action sequences were highlighted with praise creating a movie that keeps viewers attention. Despite any missteps along the way they showcase well crafted intense moments that pull people in.

Comparisons to Other Films

Many movie experts discuss similarities to “Elevation," in which a character in a post-apocalyptic environment goes through a challenge with monster-like creatures and a focus on internal battles. This makes it a film many viewers would see to “fill” that void. Also the new release of “Roadhouse” in 2024 is also up for comparisons as a movie which could of done without having a remake to begin with.


The short time length is something it shares in common along with mixed reactions for those who were viewing.


It has also been compared to “Roadhouse” where two big names try to make it their own, yet their styles create a division that some viewers are not a fan of.

Similarities To Historical Events

While it may not explicitly follow specific ideas. Some reviewers feel there may be elements pulled from the Syrian Revolution with chaos, destruction, displacement, political unrest as well as the need for international support with what they're seeing. Also, as people were drawn back into the conversation, a desire to see justice was very apparent throughout the story arc.

Need for Outside Support

Viewers noted how real challenges may lie ahead with reconstruction, humanitarian efforts, and ensuring peace with many having lost everything due to events like those mentioned in other countries as a reference to what "Civil War" portrays. Other real events mention displacement as a big factor to consider. And international help becomes more important.

Upcoming Projects of Similar Nature

Alex Garland is now ready to release another film with his directing partner from “Civil War”. This new movie “Warfare” will also be released through A24.

A Similar Directing style

Warfare is noted to have more real time approaches to combat but a similar message. The film focuses more on the realities of violence within conflict from real life stories while being intense, and more action focused. The cast for “Warfare” is set to feature several popular figures. It will also take a deeper dive into the psychological effect it had on people of Iraq.

Overall Assessment

Although it is not specifically the “best” or the “worst”, “Civil War” has gained recognition for it's production, acting and storyline. Many feel that despite all of the high end production components it lacks a specific focus creating a lack of strong views that make the film polarizing.

Key Takeaways

  • "Civil War" explores a divided USA in a dystopian way.
  • The storyline emphasizes a neutral viewpoint of how events play out rather than focus on a political divide.
  • Visual aspects of filming is praised while overall plot points lack certain depth and detail.
  • A similar release called “Warfare” with all of the action oriented and chaotic approaches is scheduled.
  • Real life struggles can be observed throughout with aspects taken from current world affairs where civil unrest may play an important element.