Zero Day, an upcoming Netflix limited series , depicts a world shaken by a large scale cyberattack. It explores themes such as cyber security , political conspiracy and a quest for truth while offering complex and varied characters.
Premise and Story Line
The series is set after a large cyber attack which has caused damage across the country and several deaths. Former President George Mullen heads up the Zero Day Commission to find the parties responsible for the act. As he explores, disinformation spreads and a complicated web of people becomes apparent with their ambition creating further challenges. As he looks further the lines begin to blur with his own personal life.
The Definition of “Zero Day”
The term "Zero Day" refers to a cyber security term that involves a specific kind of attack that exploits system vulnerabilities and takes advantage of unknown weaknesses which makes for a very relevant premise in this time of new technological change. In addition there is no preventative measure that can be taken before it occurs to stop that event from happening. This provides unique challenges which are often hard to solve for cyber professionals.
The Zero Day Commission

A government initiative which has a goal to pursue justice after the events take place which shows a strong use of character direction for De Niro in his role of former President. His character George Mullen gets a special position and free range to pursue anyone involved.
Questionable Methods
Mullen's methods cause concern such as taking people off the streets without warrants while pursuing truth and justice for the attack. All of the ethical boundaries will also be tested. It explores different levels of those in charge and questions authority. In addition the way that disinformation spreads makes a complicated problem harder to decipher while new methods will come to light in this attempt at discovery.
Character Portrayals

The series boasts an ensemble cast each character will navigate through a complicated network of government officials, media and technology all set in this new crisis. Several characters begin to show deeper parts of who they are when forced into this situation.
Former President Mullen (Robert De Niro)
As the head of the commission De Niro portrays a straightforward leader committed to his investigation however questions surface of his intentions along with how he is running this high level investigation. The characters complexity will create tension for viewers. It's also De Niro's first regular series role in the TV world.
President Mitchell (Angela Bassett)
She gives Mulllen the ability to lead but she becomes worried with his approach as he starts to seek deeper parts of the truth that were previously not known. Her concern brings questions as to how much is needed and the fine line between authority and justice. Her motives are called into question and that may cause the downfall to certain events.
Other Characters
Other key characters include Plemons as an aid to the former president and Joan Allen who plays the wife to the lead who challenges him as to his mental state. Together they bring complexity and uncertainty to each new scene.
Themes Explored

“Zero Day” takes an approach to a technology based attack which mirrors the real concerns about disinformation and how it can manipulate mass amounts of people. Power and personal agenda comes together in ways where the audience must make its own judgments regarding characters true intent and motive.
Ethics and Morality in Crisis
Questions regarding civil liberties and right to privacy with the growing powers of the government begin to take place when methods are put into effect to achieve the goals. These questions help viewers understand the complex issues at hand during this series.
Distrust of Authority and Systemic Corruption
The characters show the danger of large powers and how they impact both the personal view as well as global consequences when their actions begin to impact every part of civilization. Characters become more than they seem as more layers of each are released through the events of the story.
Production and Direction
The series is written and produced by the creators with the entire season being directed by Lesli Linka Glatter who also serves as an executive producer as well. This leadership helps solidify the style and unique look which aims to deliver a tension filled and captivating season for viewing pleasure.
Release Date and Availability
“Zero Day” is set to be released on Netflix February 20th . The six one hour long episodes give an opportunity to have an intriguing and fast pace program with highly notable performances across all cast members.
Key Takeaways
- "Zero Day" focuses on the aftermath of a destructive cyber attack.
- It is a political thriller which explores themes of ambition and corruption with high stakes consequences.
- The ensemble cast features popular and powerful performances with actors playing important characters who explore moral and ethical lines.
- The limited series tackles the impact of power, truth, disinformation and privacy.
- “Zero Day” can be viewed starting Feb 20 2025 on Netflix as a new 6 episode series.